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Numer katalogowy : GP-C1216
Producent: Trimble
Kod produktu: 68676-10

Trimble Condor C1216 (68676-10)

Numer katalogowy : GP-C1216
Producent: Trimble
Kod produktu: 68676-10

Trimble Condor C1216 (68676-10)

Condor C1216 product has EOL (End of Life) status. Last time order/buy.Trimble offers Condor modules in multiple form factors and flexible interface options. The modules in the Condor family share several common characteristics: toptier positioning perfor

94.91 PLN (22.17 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 78.44 PLN / szt.

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Szczegółowy opis

Trimble Condor C1216 product has EOL (End of Life) status. Last time order/buy.

TRIMBLE Condor C1216

Trimble's Condor family of GPS modules features major advancements in signal tracking for applications working in poor signal environments. With their higher sensitivity, performance and faster startup times, the Condor GPS modules enable system integrators to easily add Global Positioning System (GPS) capability to a mobile device with minimal impact on its size or battery life at a very economical price.

Condor C1216 is a full-featured module with UART and USB interfaces, active or passive antenna connection detection. The size of the module is 12 × 16 mm.


 • GPS L1 Frequency C/A code receiver 
 • NMEA output and input 
 • SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS) capable 
 • aGPS capable 
 • Update rate up to 5 Hz 
 • PPS timing output 
 • Multiple form factors and interface options
 • Dimensions 12 × 16 mm

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Wymiary 16 x 12.2 x 2.1  mm Waga 0.5  g
GNSS GPS Interfejs komunikacyjny UART , USB
Zasilanie 3.3  V Częstotliwość robocza 1575.42  MHz

94.91 PLN (22.17 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 78.44 PLN / szt.

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