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Numer katalogowy : AO-ARFID-A5020
Producent: SECTRON

Times-7 Antenna RFID SlimLine A5020 (ETSI)

Numer katalogowy : AO-ARFID-A5020
Producent: SECTRON

Times-7 Antenna RFID SlimLine A5020 (ETSI)

UHF RFID antenna A5020 works on the frequency 865-928 a and 902-928 MHzMHz. It is equipped with an SMA connector (f).

1 219.04 PLN (284.71 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 1 007.47 PLN / szt.

Na magazynie < 10 szt.

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Times-7 Antenna RFID SlimLine A5020 (ETSI)

The A5020 UHF RFID antenna operates at 865-868MHz (ETSI) and FCC (902-928 MHz). It is equipped with an SMA connector (f). Thanks to its compact dimensions (150 mm x 150 mm x 14 mm), it fits into most applications. The antenna is suitable for flush mounting or can be mounted on a VESA mount.

Thanks to the durable all-plastic housing with IP68 protection and the high Times-7 standard (standard for quality and robustness), the UHF RFID antenna A5020 is also suitable for outdoor installation.

This UHF RFID antenna, together with RFID readers such as ThingMagic SARGAS and ThingMagic IZAR, is an ideal solution for implementation in high-performance RFID systems. For connection to the reading device, it is necessary to make a RF adaptors, which we will make to measure for you.

The wide frequency range allows the antenna to be used in a whole range of solutions:

• Industrial applications
• Warehouse space
• Kiosks and points of sale
• Retail
• Medical and pharmaceutical industries

Key features:

• Degree of protection IP68 for outdoor use and industrial applications
• Modern design
• Working temperature: -40 °C to +65 °C
• Weight: 0.25 kg
• Dimensions: 150 mm x 150 mm x 14 mm / 5.9 "x 5.9" x 0.55 "

Technical parameters can be found in the attached manual.


Impedance 50  Ohm Złącze SMA(f)
Wykonanie Zewnętrzny Temperatura robocza -40 ~ +65  °C
Wymiary 150.7 x 149.4 x 14.5  mm Kierunkowość Kierunkowa
Technologia RFID Waga 230  g
VSWR <1.4:1 Sposób mocowania Śrubowe
Stopień ochrony IP IP68

1 219.04 PLN (284.71 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 1 007.47 PLN / szt.

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