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Numer katalogowy : GP-ICM-SMT360
Producent: Protempis
Kod produktu: 96975-00

Protempis ICM SMT 360 (96975-00)

Numer katalogowy : GP-ICM-SMT360
Producent: Protempis
Kod produktu: 96975-00

Protempis ICM SMT 360 (96975-00)

Protempis ICM SMT 360™ module is a multi-GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, BEIDOU and Galileo ready) receiver, optimized to generate precise timing signal.

357.48 PLN (83.49 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 295.43 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

Protempis ICM SMT 360 

Protempis ICM SMT 360™ Timing Module to work in the most demanding weak signal environments, including femtocells and in-building systems. 

The ICM SMT 360 timing module includes many of Protempis standard timing features, including Time-Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (T-RAIM) algorithm, to provide an accurate frequency reference ideal for Low Signal Environment.


 • Multi-Constellation  
 • Simultaneous GPS / GLONASS or GPS / Beidou tracking 
 • Ideal for populated urban and indoor environments with limited sky-view 
 • Holdover: ±7us over 5 minute period (min. 1 hour learning) 100ppb over 24 hours  
 • PPS, PP2S and 10MHz output (custom frequencies available) 
 • Extended temperature range (-40°C / +85°C)
 • Dimension: 19 mm x 19 mm x 2.54 mm

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Wymiary 19 x 19 x 2.54  mm Waga 1.8  g
Orzecznictwo RoHS Zasilanie 3.3 V  V

357.48 PLN (83.49 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 295.43 PLN / szt.

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