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Numer katalogowy : WM-453-00085R

LWB+ Module with integrated antenna

Numer katalogowy : WM-453-00085R

LWB+ Module with integrated antenna

Laird Connectivity’s new Sterling™-LWB+ Wi-Fi 4 with Bluetooth 5.2 module, based upon the Infineon AIROC™ CYW43439 chipset, is the latest member of the successful Sterling-LWB radio family.

61.65 PLN (14.40 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 50.95 PLN / szt.


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LWB+ Module with integrated antenna 

(Laird changed name to Ezurio)

Ezurio’s new Sterling™-LWB+ Wi-Fi 4 with Bluetooth 5.2 module, based upon the Infineon AIROC™ CYW43439 chipset, is the latest member of the successful Sterling-LWB radio family. This embedded module series is available as a System-in-Package (SIP) and two certified module versions, supporting either an on-board chip antenna or a MHF connector for an external antenna. It is designed to meet the demands of medical and industrial IoT connectivity, and is mechanically and pin compatible with our Sterling-LWB module as an upgrade path for existing customers.

The Sterling-LWB+ contains a fully featured Wi-Fi 4 radio, enabled with our industry-leading software drivers and support. The secure, high performance SDIO solution provides easy integration with any Linux or Android based system. It is designed for IoT from the start: fully certified, easy to integrate, and is the fastest route to the market for wireless IoT applications.

This fully certified WM-453-00085R module is equipped with an integrated antenna in the form of a chip.


• Easy integration
• Compatibility with Linux Backports
• High-quality drivers and extended product life
• Protocol support: 802.11b / g / n Wi-Fi and Dual-Mode Bluetooth
• Support for security standards WPA3
• Operating temperature -40 to +85 °C

Technical parameters can be found in the attached datasheet.


Temperatura robocza -40 ~ +85  °C Wymiary 21 x 15.5 x 4  mm
Technologia WIFI , Bluetooth Orzecznictwo FCC , ISED , RCM , CE , MIC
Zasilanie 3.3  V Kierowcy Linux , Linux Backports

61.65 PLN (14.40 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 50.95 PLN / szt.

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