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Numer katalogowy : XAM-RT-ETH

Ethernet cable 2x RJ45, 2m, uncrossed

Numer katalogowy : XAM-RT-ETH

Ethernet cable 2x RJ45, 2m, uncrossed

Ethernet cable CAT5e with two RJ45 connectors is intended for connecting a computer to a router.

6.99 PLN (1.63 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 5.78 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

Uncrossed Ethernet cable 2x connectors RJ45, cable length 2m, grey 

Uncrossed Ethernet cable CAT5e with two RJ45 connectors is intended for connecting a computer to a router. Cable length 2 m, color gray.

RJ45 connectors of the type are structurally adapted to ensure a faultless connection between the connector contacts and the copper conductors of the data cable. 

6.99 PLN (1.63 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 5.78 PLN / szt.

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